Best Foods for Menopause: 11 Nutrient-Packed Choices

Best Foods for Menopause

Are you approaching or experiencing the challenges of menopause? Hormonal changes during this phase can lead to various symptoms and discomfort. Fortunately, your diet can play a pivotal role in easing these symptoms. In this blog post, we will explore the top eleven foods that offer a wealth of nutrients to support your health during menopause. Incorporating these foods can help you navigate this transformative phase with grace and vitality.

1. Flaxseeds: Fiber and Hormone Harmony

Flaxseeds, also known as linseeds, should top your menopausal grocery list. Here’s why:

flaxseeds packed with nutrients
  • Rich in Fiber:
    Flaxseeds are packed with fiber, crucial for a healthy gut. A balanced gut microbiome is essential for maintaining hormonal equilibrium during menopause.
  • Constipation Relief:
    Flaxseeds help alleviate constipation, a common issue in menopause, by adding bulk to your stools.
  • Weight Management:
    Some studies suggest that flaxseeds can aid weight loss by promoting a feeling of fullness, curbing overeating.
  • Hot Flash Alleviation:
    Research indicates that flaxseeds can reduce menopausal symptoms, especially hot flashes.

Serving Suggestion

– Choose bread with flaxseeds, sprinkle milled flaxseeds on cereals, add them to smoothies, or use them as a healthy thickener in soups and stews.

three different breads with flaxseeds and other whole grains

2. Almonds: A Superfood for Satiety

Almonds are more than just a snack; they are a menopause superfood. Here’s why:

almonds best for menopause
Almonds in white cotton bag
  • Satiety and Blood Sugar Control:
    Almonds are high in protein and fiber, promoting a feeling of fullness and stabilizing blood sugar levels, reducing cravings for sugary foods.
  • Essential Nutrients:
    Almonds are a rich source of magnesium and vitamin E, both crucial for women during menopause.
  • Bone Health:
    A small serving of almonds can provide half your daily vitamin E requirements, supporting bone and nerve health.

How to Incorporate

– Enjoy almonds as a snack or add them to salads and yogurt for an extra crunch. Remember, Almonds are one of the best foods for menopause and they’re so easy to incorporate into your meal and snack routine!

3. Tofu: Unleashing the Power of Plant Oestrogens

Don’t underestimate the potential of tofu during menopause:

  • Asian Tradition:
    Tofu, derived from soya beans, is part of the Asian diet, where women experience fewer hot flushes. The secret lies in plant oestrogens from soya beans.
  • Isoflavone Magic:
    The isoflavones in tofu have a mild estrogen-like effect, offering relief from menopausal symptoms.
  • Protein and Calcium:
    Tofu is an excellent source of protein and calcium, crucial for bone health during menopause.

Versatile Cooking:

– Explore tofu’s culinary possibilities by stir-frying, grilling, or marinating it to enhance its flavor.

tofu in bowl with greens super food for menopause

4. Cruciferous Vegetables: Balancing Hormones

Cruciferous vegetables, including cabbage, cauliflower, kale, and Brussels sprouts, are essential for menopausal women, as they help to manage symptoms:

red caggabe nutritious superfood for menopause
Red cabbage – shredded
  • Sulforaphane Superpower:
    These veggies contain sulforaphane, a plant chemical believed to help balance estrogen metabolism.
  • Cancer and Heart Health:
    Higher vegetable intake, especially cruciferous vegetables, is linked to a lower risk of heart disease and cancer.
brusssel sprouts pan fried

How to Use

– Add these vegetables to salads, stir-fries, or side dishes to unlock their benefits as Superfood for Menopause.

5. Canned Fish: Oily Goodness for Health

Canned fish is an excellent choice for women in menopause:

canned sardines - packed with nutrients for menopause
A can of sardines
  • Nutrient-Rich:
    Oily fish varieties like sardines, pilchards, mackerel, and anchovies are packed with essential nutrients.
  • Bone Health:
    The zinc and calcium found in fish bones can strengthen bones, which may become more fragile during menopause.
  • Anti-Inflammatory:
    Omega-3 fatty acids in canned fish offer anti-inflammatory properties and protection against heart disease.
  • Satiety and Weight Management:
    High protein content in canned fish helps stabilize blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of weight gain.

Serving Suggestions:

– Enjoy canned fish as topping for pasta (yes, try it! it’s so good!), on whole-grain toast with some herbs sprinkled over the fish or as a topping for fresh salads.

best food for menopause - canned fish - anchovies on toasted bread

6. Turmeric: Golden Spice for Inflammation

Turmeric, with its vibrant golden hue, is a menopause favorite. Here’s why:

turmeric - superfood for menopause
Turmeric – Superfood for Menopause
  • Polyphenol Power:
    Turmeric is rich in polyphenols that support a healthy gut microbiota, crucial for reducing inflammation.
  • Anti-Inflammatory:
    As estrogen and testosterone levels decline during menopause, it becomes vital to find alternative sources of anti-inflammatory benefits, so naturally, Turmeric is another one of the best foods for menopause.
turmeric glass of golden milk

A very simple recipe:

– Stir a teaspoon of turmeric into warm milk, and enjoy this Golden Milk!
Or mix it into marinades, vinaigrette, or soups for a nourishing boost.

7. Seeds: Miniature Nutrient Powerhouses

Seeds deserve a spotlight in your menopausal diet.

  • Nutrient-Rich:
    Seeds offer protein, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, and magnesium.
  • Inflammation Reduction:
    Omega-3 fatty acids in seeds contribute to heart health and help reduce inflammation, potentially lowering the risk of inflammatory diseases.
  • Support for Bone Health and Mood:
    Calcium and magnesium in seeds are essential for bone health, mood stability, and anxiety management during menopause.
  • Variety Matters:
    Opt for a variety of seeds, such as sunflower sees, hemp seeds, sesame, poppy, and pumpkin seeds, to enjoy a spectrum of nutrients.

Serving Suggestions:

– Sprinkle seeds on cereals, salads, vegetable dishes, or use them to create healthy snacks like seed-rich pancakes, or homemade granola.

sunflower and pumpkin seeds best foods for menopause

8. Legumes: A Cost-Effective Powerhouse

Lentils and beans offer profound benefits during menopause:

  • Gut Microbiota Support:
    Legumes nourish the gut microbiota and the gut lining, promoting anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Protein and Fiber:
    They provide protein and fiber, aiding digestion by adding bulk to food, and offering minerals like calcium, magnesium, and iron.
  • Phytoestrogens:
    Some legumes, including soy and chickpeas, contain phytoestrogens, which can gently mitigate the effects of dropping estrogen, although they are milder than Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).
Edamame Soy Beans in bowl


– Lentils and beans are versatile and cost-effective. They can be used in soups, stews, salads, and even in plant-based burgers. Edamame are great for snacking – they’re great just plain or sprinkle with a bit of salt.

9. Ginger: A Digestive Aid

Ginger, in its fresh or powdered form, supports digestion – it’s another one of the Best Foods for Menopause.

  • Prebiotic Power:
    Ginger acts as a prebiotic, nourishing the healthy gut microbiota, crucial for overall health.
  • Digestive Relief:
    Menopause can lead to digestive discomfort, including a decline in digestive enzymes and changes in gut microbes. Ginger can help alleviate these issues.

Serving Ideas:

– Add ginger to stir fries, baked goods (especially during the cold season and for the Winter Holidays), or steep slices of fresh root or dried ginger in hot water for a soothing drink (like a tea, and feel free to add honey to sweeten your day).

ginger - great for supporting digestion

10. Seaweed: An Underrated Superfood

Seaweed is an often-overlooked treasure:

  • Gut Health:
    Seaweed acts as a valuable prebiotic, supporting a healthy gut microbiota.
  • Iodine for Thyroid Support:
    It provides iodine, crucial for thyroid function and metabolism.
seaweed salad - support for healthy gut

Versatile Usage:

– Re-hydrate dried seaweed by soaking it in hot water and incorporate it into various dishes, such as soups, salads, tzatziki, or vinaigrette. Or eat fresh as topping or salad.

11. Fermented Foods: Gut Health Enhancers

Fermented foods like sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi, and kombucha are essential for a thriving gut microbiota. Here’s why:

  • Probiotic Power:
    These foods are rich in probiotics, working in harmony with your gut microbiota to boost overall health.
  • Digestive Wellness:
    During menopause, digestive enzymes may decline, and gut microbes undergo changes. Fermented foods help maintain digestive comfort

Read more about Probiotics for Menopause here.

How to incorporate:

– Enjoy fermented foods daily, whether it’s kefir with breakfast, a side of kimchi or sauerkraut with your meal, or a refreshing glass of kombucha. They’re delightful additions to your daily menu.

jars of fermented vegetables - great to have on hand for menopause nutrition

Menopause can be a transformative phase, and these eleven nutrient-packed foods can be your allies in promoting balance, vitality, and overall well-being. Embrace these foods to ease the journey and savor the benefits of a smoother transition through this remarkable stage of life.

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